Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 4 Journal

So far at Child Carenetwork which is my learning service i have learned woking many kids is a very hard task. Some good things that go own their is the they work together and help each other out. Some negative thins were the way they can be careless about some of the kids at different times and when one person is sick it is easy to spread over the school. In the up coming week im looking foward to going back and spend more time with the kids, and getting to learn more about them and the things they like to do.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Week 3 Task 2B

Things I need to do to keep from Procrastination
*Motivate yourself to work on a task.
*Break large tasks into small manageable parts.
*Set reasonable standards that you can meet for a task.
*Find a good place to work on tasks.
*Work on difficult and/or unpleasant tasks first.

Week 3 Taks 2 A

These are the things I can do to take better notes:
* Review your notes from the previous class session.
* Stay focused.
*Make your notes correct.
*Bring all notetaking materials with you to class.
*Check whit other students to make sure you got all the important stuff.

Week 3 Task 1

One thing that I need to work on is being on time. I'm starting to start a habbit of wakin up late, it's making me late for my first class. Being late is a habbit that noone sholud get into cause once you get to many tardies you start collecting absents. Then you have failed a class.