Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Week 10 Post 11

1. Written~ Text
2. Verbal~ Telephone
3.Non-verbal~ Sign Language

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week 8 Task 2

Working with durg abuse could be harmful to the kids. You should always yry to procet yourself and the people around you. Drinking colud make your job much harder because of the affects that could happen when your on drugs and trerying to wok.

Week 8 Task One

* Tripping
* Falling
* Germs from the other kids

Week Eight

Well last week I started a new job so I didn't get a chance to go to childcare network to work with the kids.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week Seven Journal

What skills do you possess that are unique to you? What experiences in work or the community equip you to follow a career path you would like to pursue? What will you continue to do in your daily life to add valuable skills to your resume?
Skills that are unique about me is that im myself and i don't do things that same way others do theirs. I have tried many different things. I have went to Vet school for a day to help out with my career and read alot about animals. I will read and make sure i stay on track so that i will be able to complete what i want to get done in my life.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Week Six Task Three

Set a plan on what you must do and whats really not needed. The plan is to do whats need to be done ahead of time. If I have more than one task to do I will just make a list on what to do at what time or on a different days.

Week Six 2/19/2008

Cleaning up after lunch and getting them ready for nap time. I enjoyed last week. I stay a little longer but it was alright I got to meet some of the kids parents. Some of these kids are getting to know me better and act different like they listen to what the teachers say includind me. It's good to see younger kids listen to somone older than them listen to you.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Week Two Taks Four

My first time going to work at ChildCare Network i enjoyed the company of the kids. The only problem it is, is that thoese are some bad kids and they don't listen to anything but then their is some kids that lesten to what you tell them to do like some of the kids have good manners and some don't.

Week Two Taks 3

In ten years i hope to be out of school(college) and married and with at least one child and i wont to be married to the man of me dreams. I wont to be and vetarinary or have start my own business for animals . In some kind of way helping animal that need help.

Week One Task One

Motivate Themselves - I am going to motivate myself every morning to get and get to my job on time so i can get the job done.
Learn from Their Mistakes - Which also means learn from my own mistakes. If i ever be late i need to understand that i need to call next time and let them know instead of no show or call.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Journal Week 5

Last week I did not make it to Childcare Network because I was sick and I forgot to call in and let them know but next time if im not able to call I will get sombody else to call for me if I cant call in and let them know that I wont make it to work.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 4 Journal

So far at Child Carenetwork which is my learning service i have learned woking many kids is a very hard task. Some good things that go own their is the they work together and help each other out. Some negative thins were the way they can be careless about some of the kids at different times and when one person is sick it is easy to spread over the school. In the up coming week im looking foward to going back and spend more time with the kids, and getting to learn more about them and the things they like to do.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Week 3 Task 2B

Things I need to do to keep from Procrastination
*Motivate yourself to work on a task.
*Break large tasks into small manageable parts.
*Set reasonable standards that you can meet for a task.
*Find a good place to work on tasks.
*Work on difficult and/or unpleasant tasks first.

Week 3 Taks 2 A

These are the things I can do to take better notes:
* Review your notes from the previous class session.
* Stay focused.
*Make your notes correct.
*Bring all notetaking materials with you to class.
*Check whit other students to make sure you got all the important stuff.

Week 3 Task 1

One thing that I need to work on is being on time. I'm starting to start a habbit of wakin up late, it's making me late for my first class. Being late is a habbit that noone sholud get into cause once you get to many tardies you start collecting absents. Then you have failed a class.